#ListenToAllSurvivors 2: Circumstance Is Messy

by Chris  - September 23, 2021

Image Description:
Leah, Chris, and Jasmin are having a conversation. Leah has long blond hair and blue eyes and light skin. Chris has short blue hair, blue-gray eyes, and light skin, and wears blue glasses. Jasmine has brown skin and dark brown curly hair and wears gold colored glasses.

Leah: I ended up trading sex when I had no other options. I was broke, scared, and afraid of not being able to eat. It was so exploitative!

Jasmin, softly: I’m so sorry you went through that.
Image description: 
Jasmin: I ended up trading sex when I had no other options. I was broke, scared, and afraid of not being able to eat. I’m so grateful I had a way to feed myself without going back to my abusive ex.

Leah, softly: Oh, my heart!
Chris thinks: People can be in the sex trades consensually, by coercion, or in that middle range - “circumstance.” People in the sex trades by circumstance are those who would do something else if they could.
Leah: I’m so angry at people who purchase sexual services or content! 

Jasmin: I’m so angry at a system that leaves so many of us vulnerable like this!
Leah:: We should stop people from buying sexual services or content!

Jasmin: But if we do that, how will I feed my family?
Chris: I hear you both, but ultimately, if we want to ensure that no person ever has to choose to engage in the sex trades if they don’t want to, a strong social safety net would be the most effective prevention strategy.
"Giving people genuine choices is the antidote to trafficking, which takes away people's choice."

For more about the spectrum of agency and harm reduction strategies to support people in the sex trades, see the Human Trafficking Prevention Toolkit.

#ListenToAllSurvivors 3: Circumstance Is Not Unique to the Sex Trades

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